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Martin Stevnhoved

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Everything posted by Martin Stevnhoved

  1. hi. Thank you for a great sugestion. When I compare processes in Pulseway and the Taskmaner/Ressource Manager it lokks like you use the "Commit size" / "Commit (KB)" collum. But that value i cannot find in Performance Counters. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  2. Hi MMSOFT. Perhaps you coud and a memory limit option for process notifications. We have som (badly coded?) processed that is running wild on memory. It could be nice if we could set notification up when a process commetted memory goes above a defined level. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  3. +1 (also here: http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/1443-windows-updates-can-we-ignore-the-last-x-days/)
  4. I see ... I wasn't aware. We are only using the Dashboard for a displayscreen. On our desktops we are using the Win8 Mobile App, and are looking into the Remote Desktop Client. I think it would be best if the portnumber was configuret on the device.
  5. Hi MMSOFT. We think it would be a very nice feature to add RDP to your Remote Desktop Client Desktop App. We mostly use Azure VMs, and here RDP is enabled by default using a custom TCP port. It could be configured on the managed deviced like this. Add Windows RDP to Pulseway Remote Desktop Client [ ] no [x] yes Connect to RDP through [x] public ip [ ] other ip/dns: ________________ Use custom TCP port [ ] no - use default 3389 [x] yes - port: ________________ Of course it could be done with VNC and other common remote tools too. Some options could maybe be discovered by the pulseway client itself - like Teamviewer ID. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  6. Hi Pulseway. Now we have your client on all our servers it would be nice if we could use it to write registry values on all devices. I was thinking of loading a *.reg file. Or it it should have some wau!!-factor you could parse *.adm and *.admx files. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  7. Hi Pulseway. Now we have your client on all our servers it would be nice to create our own reports. We would like to recieve a get lists of a specific registry value og wmi value of all devices. Would that be posible in the future? Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  8. Am I the only one asking for something like this?
  9. Hi. We are still gettings notifications for BACKUP statements. I have verified that the Pulseway version is 4.7.5 Any ideas? Br, Martin. --- A query was found to be in execution for more than 30 minutes in SQL Server on the computer XXX in group Xxx. Query: BACKUP DATABASE [XXX] TO DISK = N'X:\Backup\XXX_backup_2015_05_28_120002.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'XXX_backup_2015_05_28_120002', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 Query Status: Suspended Start Time: 28. maj 2015 12:00:05 User Id: 1 Session Id: 74 Note: Another notification for this session will be sent only after this notification is deleted.
  10. Hi .... I have notices, that this function is now available. Thak you, a lot. But I am wondering how a process can use more than 100% CPU. Br, Martin. ---- The CPU usage on computer 'XXXXX' in group 'XXXXX' is above 90% for the last 5 minutes. Top Processes: - Windows Modules Installer Worker (TiWorker.exe): 125,42% - Domain Name System (DNS) Server (dns.exe): 0,09% - WindowsAzureGuestAgent (WindowsAzureGuestAgent.exe): 0,09% - Distributed File System Replication (DFSRs.exe): 0% - Host Process for Windows Tasks (taskhostex.exe): 0% - Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service (msdtc.exe): 0% - Microsoft Windows Azure Monitoring Agent (WaAppAgent.exe): 0% - Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices (Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices.exe): 0% - Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service (vssvc.exe): 0% - Pulseway User Agent (pcmontask.exe): 0%
  11. What do you think? What are your best practice for scheduling Window Updates on multiple servers, and monitoring that updates are not missing by Pulseway? Br, Martin.
  12. Great!!! We will look forward for this update. Do we have a countdown to the release? :-)
  13. On our domain controller, it say "Windows 8 Mode", which also is strange, because the functional levels is normally named by server versions. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  14. http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/15-roadmap/
  15. Years ago, I was working with "BMC Patrol" monitoring system. Here we were using the plugin "Hardware Sentry" for hardware monitoring: http://www.sentrysoftware.net/Products/Hardware_Overview.asp It was not monitoring the hardware directly, but had information on how to get the information from various applications, and present it in a uniform way. It would be fantastic with a module like this. But I think Pulseway unfortunately still is to "tiny" for someone to develop and maintain such a plugin. Even though if it was a commercial plugin. :-( Best Regards, Martin.
  16. Hi MMSOFT, We really like that Pulseway supports different Backup clients. Would it be possible to add Azure Backup to your todo-list? (Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent) Today we monitors it by eventlog-monitoring Eventlogs: CloudBackup Level: Error, Warning Sources: CloudBackup, WindowsAzureBackup There are also PowerShell Cmdlets for Azure Bakup: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh770400(v=wps.630).aspx Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  17. Hi MMSOFT, Pulseway can already send us a notification "when critical or important updates are available". But we would like to be able to specify a time period in days, before we get a notification We have an other mecanism/script that installs Windows updates, but we would like to use the pulseway notication as fallback. So basicly we would like to enter a number of days, so the the search for available updates ignores updates released within the last X days. At the same time it would be nice to change the Windows update search criteria string Defaults could be someting like: string: IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0 days: 14 Any thoughts about this? Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  18. I doesn't work here. I only have "Go to system" and "Delete". Is it because the Mail-app is not installed/configured? We are using Outlook for mail. I guess that most people will do so on their Windows 8 pc's. // Martin.
  19. Thank you, very much. Do you know when the update will be deployed? // Martin.
  20. This is of cource a feature request, not a demand I can see that the tone of my initial post is a bit to formal. // Martin.
  21. This would be very helpfull when on the go, and someone calls you for a bitlocker password for their pc. // Martin
  22. I am really looking forward for this implementation. How high is this on your todo list? // Martin
  23. We are using the Windows 8 app on desktops. It Works great for us, - but we misses the feature of forwarding a notification by email.
  24. Hi MMSOFT, Would you please prioritize in the near feature to exclude "BACKUP" and "RESTORE" statements from the "Send a notification when a SQL Query is executing for more than ..." notification. It is a bit annoying to get notifications on backup of large databases every day. Thank you very much for a very good and flexible program. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
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