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Martin Akamphuber

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Everything posted by Martin Akamphuber

  1. Hello Pulseway Team, I noticed that the Clustered Shared Volumes feature was originally planned back in 2015 (see this forum post https://forum.pulseway.com/topic/1409-clustered-shared-volumes/). Can you provide some insight into why this feature was discontinued? Is there any chance it might be reconsidered in the future? This functionality would be very useful for many users, so I’d appreciate any clarification regarding its status. Thank you in advance for your response. Best regards, Martin
  2. I had the same problem, but only with individual SNMP-monitored devices (Mikrotik in our case). For us, restarting the Pulseway Agent service on the probe machine or rebooting the server helped. Unfortunately, SNMP support is generally very weak at the moment. The KB article is unfortunately of no help in this case. The additional article Configuring SNMP Monitoring with Pulseway is also not helpful, as some of the menus no longer exist or have been integrated into other sections. Pulseway should update its KB articles to reflect the current version when making such major changes. Best regards, Martin
  3. Found it😎 Its now under Configuration - Profiles
  4. I found following entry in your HowTo section of your Blog: But i did not find this in the WebApp ???? Where is this now ???
  5. Is this done 4 years later ?
  6. Thanks for the Info... in the meantime it would be great to share all existing SNMP profiles ..😎
  7. We want to Monitor Mikrotik Switches and Routers Switches- if interfaces go up down, abnormal status like bad or lost packages, Uptime or reboot count, system temp and cpu load Qnap Storages with 4 and 8 HDD's the status, model, serialnumber of the HDD's, Raid status, space left on the volumes, and also cpu load, temp and uptime Kyocer, sharp, brother Laserprinters % of toner left, error status Printer The Agent (Probe) is installed on a central Windows server and the SNMP devices are found. But no automatic detection of this devices... In the meantime i made my own snmp profiles for a sharp Printer and a 4HDD Qnap is there a howto to add snmp devices without to generate each oid manually? for a maybe central shared SNMP profile database i add you my first own Profiles Profil - Storage Generic.pcmpr Profil - Printer Generic.pcmpr
  8. I would be nice if there is a place to share exported SNMP Profiles i attached a Printer SNMP Profile for sharp Printers Profil - Printer Generic.pcmpr
  9. Two years later ☹️ Any Updates
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