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  1. Check the script here posted by Jason Slobotski https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18192746/powershell-log-off-remote-session
  2. @Mike Leger Try this out. it worked from me. I was able to pull the output variable from inside of a workflow. # Outputs $FileShares = "0" # Get all shared folders on the local computer $shares = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share | Select-Object Name, Path # Output the list of shares if ($shares) { $ShareList = "Current File Shares on $env:COMPUTERNAME:`n" + $shares | Format-Table -AutoSize } else { $ShareList = "No file shares found on $env:COMPUTERNAME." } #convert the list of file shares from a table to a string $ShareList = $shares | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String #rewrite the file share list to the output variable $shares = $ShareList #write output to screen of needed #write-output $shares
  3. Hi, I need assistance with getting this c# code to authenticate and list all devices. I tried it with the username/password combo AND the token id/secret combo (token permissions are fully open) I get the same error on both as seen here { "Data": null, "Meta": { "TotalCount": 0, "ResponseCode": 403, "ErrorMessage": "A delegate registered to create instances of 'MM.Monitor.Application.ApiTokens.Services.Interfaces.IApiTokensDataService' returned null." } } Here's the Class in C# using Newtonsoft.Json; using RestSharp.Authenticators; using RestSharp; using System; namespace Pulseway_Helper { internal class GetDevices { private const string ENDPOINT = "https://api.pulseway.com/v3"; private const string TOKEN_ID = "api_token_id_generated_in_pulseway"; private const string TOKEN_SECRET = "api_token_secret_generated_in_pulseway"; static void Main(string[] args) { // Create RestClientOptions and set the Authenticator var clientOptions = new RestClientOptions(ENDPOINT) { Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_SECRET) }; // Initialize the RestClient with the options var client = new RestClient(clientOptions); // Create the request var request = new RestRequest("devices", Method.Get); // Add parameters to the request request.AddParameter("$top", "50"); request.AddParameter("$skip", "0"); // Execute the request var response = client.Execute(request) as RestResponse; // Get the content of the response var content = response.Content; // Deserialize the content dynamic result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content); // Output the result (for demonstration purposes) Console.WriteLine(result); } } } ConsoleApp.cs
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