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  1. Hi Folks, I've recently deployed Pulseway, and getting my staff to start using "Request Support" feature. Is it possible to have the "Request Support" set to a different priority than the default of "Normal"? For example, set it to "Low" by default? Are there any customisations available regarding the priority levels? For example, can I insert a custom priority & set this as the only option for "Request Support"? Thanks.
  2. AMC


    Hi Folks, I'm new to Pulsewau scripting, please bear with me. I've tried to run the following PowerShell command, but it doesnt seem to run. Rename-Computer -NewName "Computer123" -DomainCredential MyDomain\Administrator -Restart Any advice on what I should do, to rename a computer?
  3. Hi Folks, Apologies if this has been asked before, I'm new to pulseway and getting to grips with Automation. I have a simple batch script to install a printer onto a workstation. When I run it via pulseway, it says it runs successfully, but the printer doesnt appear on the workstation. Can anyone offer some advice? FYI - the same batch script run locally works fine. @echo off title Printer Script REM Add Printers RunDll32.EXE printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n "\\dc1\Accounts" EXIT
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