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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Np. Anyway, BSD port is on the roadmap so, keep an eye on the forum. Regards, Mark
  2. Hi, PFSense is FreeBSD based distribution and Pulseway doesn't support BSD yet. Regards, Mark
  3. Hi, @Craigusus: What distro? stop/start sequence works? Just wander if is something related to restart only. Mark
  4. Mark

    agent in CentOS

    Hi, Is this error persistent (you get it every time when start pcmonitor)? By any change, do you have core dump enabled on your machine? If yes, can you, please, check if a coredump was created. Thanks! Mark
  5. Hi, Can you, please try this: When hangs, go to Activity Monitor and search for PCMonitor and com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper processes. Right click on them and create Sample Process. Send them to support@pulseway.com. Thanks! Mark
  6. So, you have web server running on 443 and you setup port monitor and web monitoring to monitor port 443. Web monitoring working and port monitor not. It's that correct? Mark
  7. Hi, Are you running XBMC on top of Rasbian or as standalone image? Regards, Mark
  8. Hi, Thanks for reporting! Is the error persistent (you get the error all the time) ? What service is running on 443? I'll try to match your environment to replicate the issue. Regards, Mark
  9. Hi, If you are using the native linux client, the install process will take care of this. PCMonitor daemon will automatialy start on boot. Best regards, Mark
  10. Mark

    Mac OS X Mavericks

    Hi Jason, Can you, please, try this: 1. close PCMonitor (Hide option from context menu) 2. open Terminal and type: sudo launchctl remove com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper 3. open Console and clear it 4. open PCMonitor agent. 6. copy and send Console output (check as well if any PCMonitor .crash file under Diagnosis and Usage Information) to support@pulseway.com. (please do not post console output here - may contain sensitive data) Thanks! Mark
  11. Mark

    Ubuntu 4.2.2 Upgrade

    Hi /etc/pcmonitor dir contains only the configuration files. Binary files are installed under /usr/sbin folder. Mark
  12. Mark

    dead but subsys locked

    Done! You have PM.
  13. Mark

    dead but subsys locked

    Hi, PM me your connection details and I'll login to have a look. Mark
  14. In order to manually upgrade the Pulseway agent to the latest version, the old version need to be removed first: rpm -e pcmonitor or dpkg --remove pcmonitor Check if pcmonitord process is still running: ps auxw | grep pcmonitord Kill the process if it is still running: killall pcmonitord Install the new version: rpm -Uhv pulseway_xXX.rpm or dpkg -i pulseway_xXX.deb Start the pulseway service: /etc/init.d/pulseway start
  15. Hi, On your root server, can you please, uninstall pcmonitor, download latest version from our web site and install it. Let me know how you getting on with this. Mark
  16. Mark

    dead but subsys locked

    You can remove existing one: rpm -e pcmonitor and install new one: rpm -ihv pcmonitor_x64.rpm or you can force reinstall: rpm -ihv pcmonitor_x64.rpm --force
  17. There is no "second place to fill in username/password". In config.xml this is the only place where you need to put credentials : <Account Username="username" Password="password" UseCustomServer="false" CustomServerAddress="" /> Mark
  18. Hi, Check if pcmonitord process is running: ps -auxw pcmonitord. If running, kill it. Then start it again: /etc/init.d/pcmonitor start. Check logs (/var/log/syslog) afterwords and spot anything related to pcmonitord. What distro/version have you installed? Regards, Mark
  19. Mark

    dead but subsys locked

    Hi, Please get the latest version from website. Regards, Marl
  20. Hi, PCmonitor work on ARMv6. QNAP running on ARMv5 processor. To identify your issues: Try to stop pcmonitor: /etc/init.d/pcmonitor stop. Double check that the pcmonitord process not running in memory anymore: ps auxw psmonitord. Then start pcmonitor: /etc/init/d/pcmonitor start and watch the logs. When you will see something like: Error while registering online:SOAP 1.1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client[no subcode]#012"Connection timed out"#012Detail: connect failed in tcp_connect() Go to raspberry pi console and type: openssl s_client -connect wsn.monilepcmonitor.com:443 Please let us know the output of this command. Mark
  21. Hi, Thanks for reporting this problem. This issue will be fixed in the next version. Regards, Mark
  22. Hi, Can you, please, check /var/log/syslog for any pcmonitord crash? Regards, Mark
  23. Hi, It's a known issue with VPS machines and will be fixed today. Regards, Mark
  24. Mark

    dead but subsys locked

    Hi, This is not a 'package sign' issue. It's a genuine crash on your system. But to investigate we need more details, like coredump file created after crash. Sign error must be because your have OpenGPGCheck = yes on /etc/abrt/abrt.conf. Try to set this to OpenGPGCheck = no and restart abrt service. What's the version of CentOS? What hypervisor are you using? Regards, Mark
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