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Workflow to send message to the user if computer has been online for X amount of days/time


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Hey @techNOW

Thanks fro reaching out, you can of course execute this it would just be via a script:

Script Name:        Audit: Computers: Uptime In Days
Description:        Part of the Extended Audit Content Pack for Servers and Computers delivered by Pulseway.
Usage:              Scheduled to execute in the Task "Extended Audit For Computers - Weekly" tied to the Scope "All Windows 10/11 Computers".
Additional notes:   This script is write protected and is meant to be used "as is" for Extended Auditing purposes.
Vendor:             Pulseway
Lastest version:    2023-01-27


Required variable inputs:


Required variable outputs:
Name: "OutputUptimeIndays"
Default Type: "Number"
Default Value: "0"
Associated Custom Field: "Audit: System: Uptime In Days"


# Please note, this script is write protected and is meant to be used "as is" for Extended Auditing purposes.


Function Get-Uptime {
   $OS = Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem
   $Uptime = (Get-Date) - ($OS.ConvertToDateTime($OS.LastBootUptime))
   $Display = + $Uptime.Days
   Write-Output $Display


$OutputUptimeIndays = Get-Uptime
Write-Output "Extended Audit: System: Uptime In Days: $OutputUptimeIndays"


# This step writes back the Powershell result to the associated Custom Field.
Start-Process -FilePath "$env:RMM_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable OutputUptimeIndays ""$OutputUptimeIndays""") -Wait


You can use just the the Output variable, no Custom Field is required for this to work. Then make a condition based on the output variable being higher than X days in a Workflow. You will need to run it as a script for it to become a Number type variable as currently the Workflow Action "Execute PowerShell Command" only produce Text type variables. So that won't work for the condition.


I hope this helps and if you need any more assistance lease let me know


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