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Guest user for e-mail notifications only

Nicola Farina

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Hi there,

I'm totally new to Pulseway (teams/MSP) and I need an hand setting up a, I think, common situation.

I have a client that wants to receive e-mail notifications (not push with app) for his servers. I have placed his server in a dedicated agents group, but how to achieve? I don't want that he can log in web app and mobile app too, only receive his notifications.

Thank you.

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Hi @Nicola Farina,

If you don't want your customer to be able to log onto the Pulseway WebApp, then if you will not share the login credentials with your customer, then he will not be able to do it. Regarding  notifications - if you will logon to the Pulseway WebApp using your customers account, then from the account section you have the option to disable email or push notifications for the Pulseway account. Also, you have the option to specify which notifications you would like to receive based on the severity level.


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