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Resetting the notifications without deleting the message


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Hi All

New here, just discovered PC Monitor after years of messing around using several different monitoring solutions to look after 25-30 servers.

So far I'm dead impressed with this software and it's associated applications I have a couple of questions

1. When using the desktop monitor application the only way I can get the servers to return to green after a notification is to delete the notification, does the software store a history or log of all the error messages on a particular server, or can I get the server to return to green as soon as the message is read without deleting, this also applies in the Android app.

2. Several of my servers are terminal services boxes and I frequently have to reset user accounts that have got issues, normally I do this via logmein ignition and the remote desktop manager application whilst on the road, can it be done with PC Monitor.

3. We have several clients with old Win2000 servers and another with Centos 4.5 can the software be made to run on these ? (before I spend half the night trying)

I think this could be the killer app for me as a network support engineer looking after lots of servers in different companies, it's great work long may it continue.



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Hi Chris,

Glad you find PC Monitor solution useful.

To answer your questions:

1. We will consider making this an option - at the moment you have to delete them as some notifications will not be sent again if not deleted (and the condition that triggered the notification still persist). In other words, if you read the notification that does not mean that the condition that caused the notification has been rectified and we think leaving the alert image is good.

2. We plan to add remote control in a future release.

3. Windows 2000 is not supported at the moment (we might consider this by writing a plugin).

Best Regards,


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Hi Marius

​Thanks for the quick response do I take it that centos 4.5 is a possibility then ? Just trying to update the Java as we speak to give it a bash, I was hoping to be able to terminate sessions using the APP rather than remote control. Once you use software as good as this going back to remotely controlling the server seems like a step back, it's so cumbersome compared to the quick interface of the software.

Reading event logs is a case in point normally it's a chore this really makes life easy !

Thanks again




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  • Staff

Hi Chris,

Regarding the possibility of installing on CentOS 4.5 I see no reasons why that should not work. As long as you have a bash, sudo and a JRE > 5 everything should be OK.

As you know Linux distributions can differ a lot in configuration so no there's no guarantee , but with the help of this forum I'm sure we can solve any issues you may encounter.

Best Regards,


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Thanks to you both for the replies, can you confirm that there is no way I can see historical notifications for each individual machine, I've had a notification of a user logon this morning subsequently found out the guy is on holiday and want the exact time it occurred but I've deleted the message.



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  • 4 months later...

Hi Marius

where does the enterprise server version archive the logs to?

is it something that is enabled by default or do we need to setup

on another note can we set the colour indicators on PCM dashboard for different events? for example when windows updates are needed all the servers indicate red this could lead us to miss an important issue whilst we are doing updates so setting the indicator to Amber for this that would be useful

Thanks Martin

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Check the Notifications table in the PC Monitor database.

For the colours on Windows updates - if there are critical updates the notification will be critical otherwise elevated.


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