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Everything posted by BurseyC

  1. Hi, Figured out the Bitdefender. While I could not select the plus sign and add that the user that way. If I search and have just this new user in the search window. I can select the Action - Install(1) option and from here I have the option of selecting Bitdefender. If I toggle off any of the options, it kicks me out to the Web login screen, but if I leave everything as it, it installs. Still no answer or logic to why a lot of my clients computers are showing offline and I know they are online. Thanks, Craig
  2. Hi Folks, Just making sure I'm not the only one still having problems since the outage earlier today? - My mobile app is showing me computers as not powered up, but I know they are up. People are looking for support, I tell them to turn on their computer and they are already on. - I tried to install Bitdefender, the options are: - Don't have the plus sign to add anything - Only option is Webroot - I select Bitdefender, make my selects and when I click Install, screen flicks and I'm back to the Web login page. Thanks, Craig
  3. Hey Folks, I figured it out, all is good. What concerns me is that no one from Pulseway commented or offered help, this has been posted for 3 days. I thought that is what the forums were for, including helping each other. Thanks, Craig
  4. Hi, I have not been able to login to to the Android app for the last 7-10 days. It's the same password that I use to login to my dashboard and the Web Interface. In the last 3 days I don't even get the app popup for approval on my phone for the Web Login. I use to get it even if I was not logged into the Android App. I think this is the first time I've had to login to the Android app since I first installed in, years ago. I have not changed my phone, the domain I use on the Android app is the same domain in my Dashboard & Web logins. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Craig
  5. Hi, I have turned off 3 Client Servers and I want to remove them from my Billing. The Billing screen shows that I have 3 Server licenses and that I am using 0, when I try to reduce the number, I get a popup that says: You are currently using 3 licenses, you need to remove a server before you can decrease the order quantity. I have no problem adding licenses but removal is a problem. I've sent a two emails in the last two months to my Account Manager with no response. Anybody know how to remove the Servers? Thanks, appreciate it. Craig
  6. Hi Folks, Been noticing this on a test machine for the last few days and just had a client email about it. When starting Firefox v94.0.1, you get a popup notification saying to Upgrade or Dismiss. Checking the Mozilla releases there is a new minor release, V94.0.2. Not a major update for sure but I don't like the idea of Clients receiving Update notifications and having to make decisions on what to do, that's my job. Is there a way to turn off update notifications for 3rd Party Patching? Thanks, Craig
  7. Thanks Mark, This client does not want me rebooting the computers to apply updates because it might disrupt the Users. My idea was to use the System Up Time as a quick visual gauge, are users getting & applying updates on a regular basis by the uptime being under 3 days. I realize that the quick visual gauge was no guarantee of no patching errors, but good to know that users are rebooting / shutting down their computers every few days. Looks like that is not going to work so It's either: Patch Management - History OR Reporting - Templates - Patching - Sample: Patching for All Systems Thanks Jamie and Mark, appreciate the effort. Craig
  8. Hi Folks, My first post, please be gentle. When I look at the Systems, on my mobile app or via the web interface, you get something like this, if the machine is online: Craig - HP Windows 10 Pro(21H2) 5 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes I am interpreting this to mean the length of the time the system has been turned on. I had users who has 30-60-100 as their days number. I sent an email to all users, please reboot your computer every day or two, this will make sure the software updates are done in a timely manner. Two users responded, they turn their computer off every night, but their "days" numbers are showing 12 and 17. I checked the manual and it did not say what the Days, Hours and Minute numbers represent. Please enlighten me? Thanks, Craig
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