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Everything posted by AJK

  1. Came across this which seems to work if anyone else is having the same issues still: # "19041.867.1.8" = KB5000802 # "18362.1440.1.7" = KB5000808 $UpdateArray = @("19041.867.1.8", "18362.1440.1.7") foreach ($UpdateVersion in $UpdateArray) { $SearchUpdates = dism /online /get-packages | findstr "Package_for" | findstr "$UpdateVersion" if ($SearchUpdates) { $update = $SearchUpdates.split(":")[1].replace(" ", "") write-host ("Update result found: " + $update ) dism /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:$update /quiet /norestart } else { write-host ("Update " + $UpdateVersion + " not found.") } } exit 0
  2. I'm trying to run just a simple wusa /uninstall /kb:5000802 script in a task but the task just hangs forever and never makes progress on the machines. I don't have too much experience running any type of scripting through an RMM so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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