@Mariale_Pulseway @Martti Nuudi
Sorry for my very late reply. I didn't check this post anymore!
I appreciate the replies, thanks for that! However, I'm not able to connect the source computer to a different network and connect it back to the original network. They don't have Wi-Fi, and their LAN is connected to a secured network.
From the log file "remotecontrolagent.log" (on the source computer), I can see the following:
(This is exactly the issue that you described, but since I cannot connect the computers to another network and back, what else can I do?)
[12:50:18:210] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Starting Pulseway Remote Control V2 - 240925235.
[12:50:18:214] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Connecting to wss://rd-eu-de-1.pulseway.com:443/remote
[12:50:18:218] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Use proxy: TRUE
[12:50:18:221] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Use system proxy: FALSE
[12:50:18:225] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Proxy server: [masked proxy address]
[12:50:18:229] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Proxy username: 0 chars
[12:50:18:233] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Proxy password: 0 chars
[12:50:18:237] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.pulseway.agent.agent] - Peer supported features 2047
[12:50:18:241] [4048:0000331c] [ERROR][com.pulseway.agent.utils] - SetProcessDpiAwareness failed 5
[12:50:18:246] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.shadow] - Adding new client into array. Current clients: 0
[12:50:18:250] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.freerdp.core] - Connecting to websockets server.
[12:50:18:254] [4048:0000331c] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - freerdp_tcp_is_hostname_resolvable:freerdp_set_last_error_ex resetting error state
[12:50:18:258] [4048:0000331c] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - freerdp_tcp_connect:freerdp_set_last_error_ex resetting error state
[12:50:18:262] [4048:0000331c] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - connecting to peer [masked IP-address]
[12:50:18:297] [4048:0000331c] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.proxy] - HTTP Proxy: HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established
[12:50:33:358] [4048:0000331c] [ERROR][com.pulseway.pwy_cert_verf] - Certificate is not valid! Error: 'A certification chain processed correctly but terminated in a root certificatethat is not trusted by the trust provider.'.'Error related to whole chain. Forcedly certificate index set to 0'
Info:'Certificate name: 'C=IE, L=Dublin, O=MMSOFT Design Ltd, CN=*.pulseway.com'
Issuer name: 'C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, CN=DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1'
[12:50:33:365] [4048:0000331c] [ERROR][com.freerdp.crypto] - VerifyX509Certificate failed: (length = 6558) status: [-1] -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
[Removed Certificate String]
[Removed Certificate String]
[Removed Certificate String]
[12:50:33:370] [4048:0000331c] [ERROR][com.freerdp.crypto] - certificate not trusted, aborting.