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Jan C. Nielsen

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  1. Now i found some Linux serveres and Windows Servers in other version, that is running put registred as offline in Pulseway ???
  2. I have 3 Windows 2022 serveres where Pulseway reports Offline, but they are running. If I use "Validate Registration" i get "This System is registred." Reboot of Service do not change anything. The last time I had to reboot server, but one server is a SQL server and the other 2 is Echonomics and used to control produktion...
  3. All i want is some way to make a delay in a workflow in 1½ hour. Has made a batch script, to make a pause on 1½ hour: timeout /t 5400 --- Pulseway runs the script i 6 minuts and "fail's" it - and then Pulseway won't use the scrip because it is "Script is in use"
  4. But you gave me a clue to the problem - so it is fixed now :-)
  5. only set on CPU, RAM and diskspace On advanded "Unconfigured" - i can test if exe-fil to service is running...
  6. i have done that... Do not work ???? Get notifications on CPU, RAM and diskspace, but not selected "not running services" ...
  7. Just what i was looking for :-) Thanks If only your distribution tool did that - the serial af the harddisk is the same om my 130 servers... But thank you for the script to make it work :-)
  8. it does not work - if i stop a service, that i have "checked" in "System", and marked as "Notification" it does not send Notification. If i set the proces-monitor on the EXE-file, i get a notification...
  9. HELP - it has to bee a bug...
  10. ok - but what has to bee in the script, to change Disk-size notification on a server?
  11. some servers have a c-drive - some c- and d-drive, so i gues 2 scripts. If you have a Pulseway Polycy "Critical" on CPU/RAM, does it overrule the local "Evaluated"? Still waiting on anser ...
  12. Problem - when a service stop, pulseway do not send Notification... Process Notification do not send Notivication, if process stops...
  13. some servers have a c-drive - some c- and d-drive, so i gues 2 scripts. If you have a Pulseway Polycy "Critical" on CPU/RAM, does it overrule the local "Evaluated"?
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