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Van Der Hoff ICT

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  1. Hi, We created a script which checks for Windows Updates, installs the updates, creates a report and reboots if necessary. This script runs in a single task and every system has it's own scheduled task. Unfortunately when I check the Script Output Results (where our report file is shown), I noticed the following error: "Download Status: FAILED With Error -- You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. The property 'Updates' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set. Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))()" (See the attachment for a more detailed Script Output, the script is also attached.) I tried the following: - Run the script locally on a system > Runs successfully. (Probably permission error?) - Enabled the Powershell User Impersonation in the Pulseway Agent Manager (Administrator permissions) > Same error. - Tried using SubInACL to fix (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_update/windows-update-error-0x80070005-need-a-fix-click/e4cb8700-f215-4f1a-8bd4-6457ac619c19) > SubInACL error: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing - RegSetKeySecurity Error : 5 Access is denied." > Still not fixed. I keep getting this error on a dosin of systems but can't figure out what the exact cause/problem is. Facts: - Not Windows Server version related > Error occurs on multiple Windows Server versions. - Script runs successfull locally on systems. Any ideas? Output example.txt Script.txt
  2. Hi, Is it possible to continue a script after a reboot using Tasks? I build a PowerShell script where a reboot is required and needs to continue after te reboot.
  3. Hi Chris, Thank you for your response. I started to use the Agent Group Policy. I configured the Agent Group Policy to my needs but I still am wondering how it works. When I open the Pulseway Manager on the same server for which I created the Agent Group Policy, I checked the Notification- and the Storage settings but they are different from the Agent Group Policy. Which settings are leading? The Agent Group Policy from the Pulseway Portal or the Pulseway Manager?
  4. Hi, For many servers I want to disable the 'Send a notification when updates are available with priority' option. I would like to know if there is any PowerShell command which disables this function in the Pulseway Manager (Agent)? Kind regards, Laurens
  5. Hi there, Are there possibility's to create a Powershell script which starts a Veeam backup of a VM which you can add to the Task section? We would like to automate the Windows Updates for the VM's, but before they update we would like to make a backup/snapshot of the VM first.
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