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  1. Is it / will it be possible to get system OS updates availability? An aptitude monitor to return number of system updates would be fantastic.
  2. @Chris Top 5 features for MySQL monitoring: Overall load (thread count) Overall transfer (bytes i/o) Busiest table Cache status (not set) We would really enjoy having MySQL monitoring support on Linux (Debian specifically)
  3. What would be the best practice for installing the agent on a virtual Linux machine where I don't have root access? The server is managed at/by cloudways.com Their support is phenomenal, I can always direct them to install for me (but then I would have to give them my account password) For the most part I would just need to monitor a running instance of Laravel (web framework) on Apache and MySQL (i saw MySQL monitoring is currently in the works) Would the API be a better solution for this case? Any thoughts appreciated.
  4. Link is a 404
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