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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Hi Aaron,

    Welcome to the Pulseway community, there are some examples on the sample configuration files, did you give them a go? Also depending on the Ubuntu version you may have different INIT daemons which is crucial to know how the services are working on your system.


  2. Hi Walt,

    Welcome to the Pulseway community! The offline notification is sent by the server after approximately 10 minutes of agent inactivity and the online notification is sent when the service starts. If you enable the offline notification and you get the offline notification sent to you (so the server acknowledges that the system was indeed offline and it wasn't a minor outage) then the system gets back online you will receive a "system is back online" notification.

    In regards to the shutdown notification, some operating systems send the shutdown signal to the processes after the network driver is stopped which prevents Pulseway from being able to notify you of this event.


  3. Hi,

    The report does include Antivirus status as well for supported systems. Pulseway can only monitor the Antivirus status on workstations at this moment hence the reason why you don't see ESET File Server status on SBS machines.


  4. Hi,

    Are you using a proxy to connect to the internet or is the connection very slow? Timeout errors happen when it takes a long time for the application to receive a reply from the server.


  5. Hi,

    While I agree with you, there should be a way to notify you for critical alerts this can become annoying very fast. For instance if you're in a meeting and you get a critical Pulseway notification and the phone vibrates every 15 minutes it can easily distract you. What we usually do is when we wake up, we see the list of notifications on the phone and we react to them. Our engineers do not use the Do Not Disturb feature so they can react to the notifications as soon as they get triggered.

    An alternative would be PagerDuty which can send you a text message or even call you when a certain notification is triggered.


  6. Hi Ofir,

    Thank you for your patience. We've released yesterday a new version of the Mac OS X agent. Can you uninstall the current one (Manager -> About -> Uninstall - tick the keep configuration box) and then install the latest version and see if it resolves the problem.


  7. Hi,

    Thank you for posting your script. Here is how you can start a process with arguments from powershell:

    $plugin = "C:\Users\paul\Documents\notification-bridge-plugin\Release\NotificationBridge.exe"
    &$plugin -p 1 -t "test"

    Note: The "NotificationBridge.exe" doesn't need to be in the same directory as Pulseway, neither the .dll file.


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