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Everything posted by pax0707

  1. This is a new peace of information. ;- ) = Worked after reinstall. Cheers!
  2. nope To confirm that agent groups exist:
  3. Debian still not working. Guess I need to wait a bit longer.
  4. I have an open ticket with the support about this. No updates. For windows they suggest going to configuration, group and downloading the custom installer, no such option for linux distros.
  5. Debian 12. I created a new group, a new site with a new group. Still the same error. PM sent.
  6. Same issue. Old free account 4/5 systems, group definitely exists 1 organization found. Please select the organization [1] xxx Enter selection: 1 1 site found. Please select the site [1] xxxx Enter selection: 1 No agent groups available. Please create a agent group for the selected site.
  7. Would it be possible to add memory usage condition - if process takes over x MB for x minutes? Similar to CPU condition?
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