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Everything posted by CWXServices

  1. I dont get it it seems more frequent untested updates Pulseway releases things getting worse and out of hand! As of October 16 I stopped receiving Notifications in iOS notification Pulseway App !! I relly on them 99.9% of all my time during a day! It is really important to me to receive them as i used to on my iOs app!. I work in a field a lot and they save and notify me about problems when i am on the go.! I created a support ticket and 2 weeks go unanswered ! i no longer receive Notifications ! Please fix it ASAP my business relies on them ! Anybody else have the same issue!? P.S. a temporaily fix is to Detlete ALL Notification in Pulseway Mobile App and they get pulled down at thayt moment but then it freezes !. It seems that push notification stopped working and only 1 time pull works ! Please Address that ASAP.
  2. Hello guys. I am a Mac user administrator and have been trying to use Pulseway platform and for the most of time web interface works ok. I have Mac computers (Desktop and laptops ) deployed in my company and Support and Development team is a joke at Pulseway. I had a really bed experience since we started using the platform since February. I Opened 3 Tickets regarding this issue and since February was not fixed and resolved. Pulseway simpluy ignores and does not take you seriously 9 months passed and i can not use Remote Control or remote host from any of my Mac Computers !. So if you have a mac as administrator forget about "Pulseway Remote Control" app on mac !. You will have to use third part apps and pay extra like me. Teamviewer, Anydesk or another RMM provider which i tested before Pulseway and worked on mac just fine to remote in to monitored machines. But Unfortunately not on mac. It fails to work on Intel based Mac , Apple Sillicon M3, theonly one other machine i could get it to work is M1 Only !! but with the recent update it started crashing a lot. I m very disapointed that Mac Development team does not do any serious work on getting "Pulseway Remote Control" work on all Apple computers. Others can. So if you need a remote control an Macs think twice and test it using their Trial signup before committing to Lockable Contracts !. I hope that someone will take that issue seriously and fix that ASAP. Frustrating
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