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Posts posted by Nick530

  1. Sorry in advance i just wanted to take a moment to rant here and see if anyone else is running into similar issues living with pulsway.


    I was wondering why there isn't a search bar for any of the views under automation. Like why i cant i search for a task list that i created so that i can run it easily with out having to scroll down for 15 minutes just to pass the task that i was looking for. 

    Second. why cant i select devices and then run a single script to task against those selected devices? I have to create a scope and assign that scope to an orgaization group then i can create a task and assign the scope to the task just to so i can then finally run a script or 2 against more than one device....... very frustrating when you are trying to push a new build of a product to a few devices or install missing software on a few devices or set up a few new devices for specific organization. 



    Little things like this make pulsway really difficult to use day in and out.

  2. Thanks for the input. i was able to find the URL for the specific Organizaion that i want to auto enroll devices under. I was able to write a ps script for this install. Once i was able to write this i added it to a provisioning package for device provisioning. This script could also be used with something like autopilot for intune. 


    #Download and Run MSI package for Automated install
    $uri = "Agent download URL "

    #Create Folder path 
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path C:\Temp
    Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri -OutFile C:\Temp\windows_agent_x64.msi
    msiexec /i C:\Temp\windows_agent_x64.msi /quiet /qn /norestart

  3. Hello All, 


    I am attempting to install puslway by using a powershell script. what i am trying to acomplish is being able to have a way to run a script against a windows machine either via intune or A provisioning package to install pulsway during New deivce provisioning. I have a way to do the install using an MSI file but im worried about the installer expiring, so i was trying to find a way to install pulsway using the installer link which does not expire. 


    Thanks for any help you can provide. 

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