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Everything posted by stian.frostad

  1. Thank you for the reply. I have just started to use PulseWay so I am not familiar with automated script running directly from the PulseWay web interface. I have about 100 computers that I have to roll out the password enabled screensaver script to and if I have to load individual user registry hives it would have to run and change the script for each computer? I was hoping that it would be possible to run it for a "group" of computers in the PulseWay web interface, but I guess thats not possible then? /Stian
  2. Hi, I have created a powershell script to activate a specific screensaver, password enable it and set the idle timeout value, but it does not work when I try to run it from the PulseWay Web interface. I have also tried it from a batch script, but it does not work either. Both scripts work fine when running them directly from the local computer. The Powershell script it as follows: #Values to customize $ScreenSaveActive = 1 #set to 1 if you want the screensaver enabled, 0 to disable $TimeOutValue = 60 # number of idle seconds before screensaver gets active $ScreenSaverFile = "C:\Windows\system32\mystify.scr" # full path to screensaver file $ScreenSaverIsSecure = 1 # set to 1 if you need a password to get out of screensaver, a.k.a. unlocking the pc #If the screensaver is not compliant with $ScreenSaveActive, we reset it to the preferred value if((Get-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "ScreenSaveActive").ScreenSaveActive -ne $ScreenSaveActive) { Set-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "ScreenSaveActive" -Value $ScreenSaveActive } #If user set screensaver timeout to a value larger than 1200 seconds (20 minutes), we set the value back to 1200 seconds [int]$Current_TimeOutValue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "ScreenSaveTimeOut").ScreenSaveTimeOut if($Current_TimeOutValue -eq 0 -OR $Current_TimeOutValue -gt 1200) { Set-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "ScreenSaveTimeOut" -value 1200 } #If no screensaver file is set or if the path doesn't exist anymore, we set it to the blank screensaver $Current_ScreenSaverFile = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "SCRNSAVE.EXE")."SCRNSAVE.EXE" if($Current_ScreenSaverFile -eq "" -OR (Test-Path $Current_ScreenSaverFile) -eq $false) { Set-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "SCRNSAVE.EXE" -Value $ScreenSaverFile } #If the screensaver "lock" is not compliant with $ScreenSaverIsSecure, we reset it to the preferred value if((Get-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "ScreenSaverIsSecure").ScreenSaverIsSecure -ne $ScreenSaverIsSecure) { Set-ItemProperty -Path "hkcu:control panel\desktop" -Name "ScreenSaverIsSecure" -Value $ScreenSaverIsSecure } #Before our changes become active in the current Windows session, we need to run the following command more than 3 times for ($i=1; $i -le 4; $i++) { rundll32.exe user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters } I have also tried this from batch script, but it does not work either. @echo off reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v SCRNSAVE.EXE /t REG_SZ /d C:\Windows\System32\Mystify.scr /f reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ScreenSaveActive /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ScreenSaveTimeOut /t REG_SZ /d 60 /f reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ScreenSaverIsSecure /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f
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