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  1. Is this some kind of bug. Everyday the pulseway server got the error: Pending reboot is required But all the other clients are fine by me. Only have this issue on the server. Server is up to date, I rebooted it since this week every day, also this morning twice. But message comes back in a few seconds.
  2. I have a suggestion but with testing i have not solved it. Clients are working with there laptop monitor closed and use external monitors via docking station. Could it be that the agent thinks that the laptop is in sleep mode? Because sometimes the client appears online. Maybe the customer has his laptop screen open at that moment. Could this be a good direction?
  3. Hi Pulseway, We have this issue that when we install the agent and link it to the correct account and dedicated server. That the client appears offline. Configuration etc is set correctly because at first everything worked properly. But since a few weeks this problem has been and I can't solve it. We use Pulseway for all our customers for remote control. However, this problem only applies to one customer. Now we cannot use remote control when this customer calls. Sometimes if we are lucky a client will appears online and later it will be offline again. I know that there are people working. When I look at the rds host server (this is where the users of that company loggin) Is see that there are 7 people working at the moment. But in de pulseway dashboard and manager, al the clients are offline. I think there is a issue between the agents. But I tried to reinstall but that doesnt work.
  4. Hi Pulseway experts, I'm Ryan and a happy user of Pulseway, but kind of a starter with probably a little issue which I cannot solve. Could someone help me with the following case? I provide customers with proactive automation on their devices and there is a issue which after a lot troubleshooting I still cannot fix. I run a policy which monitors daily statuses that check every single process and services. I got this issue ''The antivirus Windows Defender has been disabled on computer ...... in group ...... ''. The service stops daily and I made a workflow to start is again and also tried a workflow which restart the service, but in both cases the windows defender got the same error the next day (when a windows patch took place). There is no 3rd party anti virus in this case. Could someone have an idea which I can try? Kindly looking forward to a reply. Regards, Ryan. K
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