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  1. This script below runs find when ran locally. When I use it in pulseway it doesnt work. This is what I get as an error message. Can someone help me please. Thanks, Output At C:\Program Files\Pulseway\automation_6d035661_a3a3_4e34_b6c2_8e997a18878a.ps1:5 char:149 + ... owsdesktop-runtime-6.0.24-win-x64.exe" -wait -ArgumentList '/S /v/qn' + ~ You must provide a value expression following the '/' operator. At C:\Program Files\Pulseway\automation_6d035661_a3a3_4e34_b6c2_8e997a18878a.ps1:5 char:149 + ... owsdesktop-runtime-6.0.24-win-x64.exe" -wait -ArgumentList '/S /v/qn' + ~ Unexpected token 'S' in expression or statement. At C:\Program Files\Pulseway\automation_6d035661_a3a3_4e34_b6c2_8e997a18878a.ps1:17 char:212 + ... portAssistConfiguration.mst" DEPLOYMENTKEY="855asd$#" /norestart /qn' + ~ The string is missing the terminator: '. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression #Runs file from Fileserv01 if it can $folder = '\\Fileserv01\Public\IT\Software\DellSupport For Business\SupportAssist.bat if (Test-Path -Path $folder) { PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "\\Fileserv01\Public\IT\Software\DellSupport For Business\SupportAssistCleanup.ps1" Start-Process -FilePath "\\Fileserv01\Public\IT\Software\DellSupport For Business\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.24-win-x64.exe" -wait -ArgumentList '/S /v/qn' Start-Process msiexec -wait -argumentlist '/i "\\Fileserv01\Public\IT\Software\DellSupport For Business\SupportAssistInstaller-x64.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\Fileserv01\Public\IT\Software\DellSupport For Business\SupportAssistConfiguration.mst" DEPLOYMENTKEY="855asd$#" /norestart /qn' } else { New-Item -path "C:\Temp\SupportBusiness -Itemtype Directory Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nxdsz42jkcu5ss4tpdsvf/SupportAssistCleanup.ps1?rlkey=lidz0ms8aatgwhiv8dtvxr6dw&dl=1" -Destination "c:\temp\SupportBusiness\SupportAssistCleanup.ps1" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j75w4oqajfbjpw2sdrpxg/SupportAssistConfiguration.mst?rlkey=he4shs9vzts47reav8d5ziv6x&dl=1" -Destination "c:\temp\SupportBusiness\SupportAssistConfiguration.mst" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cuyvomxuui4z29bpk9x2r/SupportAssistInstaller-x64.msi?rlkey=g1lmxvprpb0nv1wxvtefwizii&dl=1" -Destination "c:\temp\SupportBusiness\SupportAssistInstaller-x64.msi" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p7ctmo837kv9cnsyi6779/windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.24-win-x64.exe?rlkey=e0ehydmwf1t86bu461b3xp1t9&dl=1" -Destination "c:\temp\SupportBusiness\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.24-win-x64.exe" PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "c:\temp\SupportBusiness\SupportAssistCleanup.ps1" Start-Process -FilePath "\\Fileserv01\Public\IT\Software\DellSupport For Business\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.24-win-x64.exe" -wait -ArgumentList '/S /v/qn' Start-Process -FilePath "c:\temp\SupportBusiness\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.24-win-x64.exe" -wait -ArgumentList '/S /v/qn' Start-Process msiexec -wait -argumentlist '/i "c:\temp\SupportBusiness\SupportAssistInstaller-x64.msi" TRANSFORMS="c:\temp\SupportBusiness\SupportAssistConfiguration.mst" DEPLOYMENTKEY="855asd$#" /norestart /qn' #Removes Folder after install Remove-Item "c:\temp\SupportBusiness" -recurse }
  2. Its already on the correct patch management policy but it doesnt assign them the policy. I go find the workstation that needs it and it says that "not installed" and I have to manually to add it.
  3. I am picking up someone elses mess here. Looks like they are in different groups. So how would I set that up on the group level?
  4. I need to a workflow to assign patch policy based on the hostname of the computer. Are computers have a naming convention of L00 (for laptops) and D00 (for desktops). So basically I need any computer that starts with a L00 or D00 to get a specific policy and if not get a different one. Can I get some assistance with this please.
  5. Trying to create workflow that assigns patch management policy if client is on a workstation. Here is what I got so far.
  6. I would like to create a task that will tell me which systems are running Trend Anit Virus. Has anyone done this yet? Thanks
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