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Jan C. Nielsen

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Everything posted by Jan C. Nielsen

  1. Now i found some Linux serveres and Windows Servers in other version, that is running put registred as offline in Pulseway ???
  2. I have 3 Windows 2022 serveres where Pulseway reports Offline, but they are running. If I use "Validate Registration" i get "This System is registred." Reboot of Service do not change anything. The last time I had to reboot server, but one server is a SQL server and the other 2 is Echonomics and used to control produktion...
  3. All i want is some way to make a delay in a workflow in 1½ hour. Has made a batch script, to make a pause on 1½ hour: timeout /t 5400 --- Pulseway runs the script i 6 minuts and "fail's" it - and then Pulseway won't use the scrip because it is "Script is in use"
  4. But you gave me a clue to the problem - so it is fixed now :-)
  5. only set on CPU, RAM and diskspace On advanded "Unconfigured" - i can test if exe-fil to service is running...
  6. i have done that... Do not work ???? Get notifications on CPU, RAM and diskspace, but not selected "not running services" ...
  7. Just what i was looking for :-) Thanks If only your distribution tool did that - the serial af the harddisk is the same om my 130 servers... But thank you for the script to make it work :-)
  8. it does not work - if i stop a service, that i have "checked" in "System", and marked as "Notification" it does not send Notification. If i set the proces-monitor on the EXE-file, i get a notification...
  9. HELP - it has to bee a bug...
  10. ok - but what has to bee in the script, to change Disk-size notification on a server?
  11. some servers have a c-drive - some c- and d-drive, so i gues 2 scripts. If you have a Pulseway Polycy "Critical" on CPU/RAM, does it overrule the local "Evaluated"? Still waiting on anser ...
  12. Problem - when a service stop, pulseway do not send Notification... Process Notification do not send Notivication, if process stops...
  13. some servers have a c-drive - some c- and d-drive, so i gues 2 scripts. If you have a Pulseway Polycy "Critical" on CPU/RAM, does it overrule the local "Evaluated"?
  14. Polycy or script??? Need Evaluated disk size to 10% and disk size 2Gb Critical - CPU 90% Evaluated 15 minuts, CPU 90% Chritical 60 minuts - ram 3% Evaluated 15 minuts, ram 3% Chritical 60 minuts. Is it possible to change til configuration/notifications on the local server, without logging in to 130 servers?
  15. no - i would like to have a critical and an evaluated Pulseway policy on ram,cpu,disk, but it is not possible. is it possible to make a Batch/script update of the 130 servers Pulseway configuration?
  16. We have made take over from another hosting company. Now i got 130 servers without Disk-configuration notifications, as it has not been copied in deployment of Pulseway. The Policy in Pulseway is used to send critical alerts. How to configure over 130 servers without changeing notifications manualy?
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