I have set up the pulseway-scripts that allow me to run a program remotely in an existing user session, they work.
If I click 'Client01 > Scripts > 'StartApplications' > 'StartApplicationA'; Pulseway runs a powershell script on Client01 that starts ApplicationA on the usersession that is logged in; so with GUI. This works great!
In practice:
Let's say I run a classroom with 10 stations. People using the stations can't launch programs themselves. They should request a program to the teacher, and the teacher launches the programs 'remotely': from a computer in the front of the class. The teacher can go to the my.pulseway webapp, select the client that requested an app (lets say firefox.exe), scroll to scripts, select the correct scripts-folder, and run the 'StartFirefox'-script. So this works.
Now make the teacher's job a little more convenient, I was thinking about an elgato streamdeck. You can configure the buttons to do perform actions. They support integration into OBS etc, but even cooler, they support running scripts. It also has the function of 'nesting' actions: so top-level buttons would be 'folders' where each folder is one of the ten PC's. The level below that would be where scripts live to run actions on the selected PC, for example the 'StartFirefox'-script.
What I'm looking for is a script that runs on a (preferrably windows 10) PC where an agent is installed. The script would instruct pulseway to run the 'StartFirefox'-script from pulseway on Client01. This so that a push on the streamdeck-buttons directs pulseway to run a script on a specific client. Something like
cmd.exe /c 'pulseway -client Client01 -runscript StartFirefox'
where the pulseway-command interacts with the pulseway-agent on the local system and instructs it to do specific stuff.
In other words, I want to script this part of the guide
Where 'Select the system', 'Select the script category', 'click on the script you want to run' and 'run the script' can be done with a script (.cmd, .bat, .ps1, ...)