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Everything posted by Jonathan137

  1. I have 1 Debian computer for which Wake Up works. I have 1 Windows computer for which Wake Up works. Now I have build one new Windows computer on which Wake up Command Failed, while sending a magic package in a differtent way the computer wakes up. Now I have on the first Windows computer Debian installed, Wake up Command Failed, while sending a magic package in a differtent way the computer wakes up. So for all new agent installs, wake up does not work anymore :-(
  2. My homeserver is running a pulseway agent and pihole (running dnsmasq) on debian testing. Pihole shows every 16 seconds a CNAME call of the homeserver to ws5.pulseway.com. All my other computers with a pulseway agent (Windows-10) don't call this much. My question is, how can I change my configuration to bring back the amount of calls.
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