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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. When u use the built-in script "Add Automatically Started Services in Pulseway" some services wil be monitored that are triggert and not always on. This wil result in unwanted notifications. The first variable has the servicenames you want to disable. $services = @('gupdate', 'ShellHWDetection', 'sppsvc', 'RemoteRegistry', 'MapsBroker', 'tiledatamodelsvc', 'WbioSrvc', 'WinDefend', 'CDPSvc') $servicesRegex = [string]::Join('|', $services) # create the regex $regservices = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\Services" $regservicesSplit = $regservices -split ";" foreach ($regservice in $regservicesSplit) { If ($regservice -match $servicesRegex ) { $servicesSplit = $regservice -split "=" $servicesTrim = $servicesSplit[0] $servicesTrim = $servicesTrim.Trim() Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\Services" -Name $servicesTrim Write-Host $regservice " Verwijderd" } } Hope it helps.
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