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Posts posted by techtripp
Yes - an update roadmap would be greatly appreciated!
Often times we will install a new application during production hours that will warrant a restart post-production. Right now, we place calendar reminders to restart. It would be much better / easier to schedule restarts from inside the application post-production.
Agreed very helpful to add.
I'm also interested. We've been a long time Trend customer but Eset looks enticing.
This is now scheduled for v4.4 release.
When can we expect 4.4?
No updates on this just yet,
We plan to further customise the alert levels, it's on our release schedule for 4.2.2
Following up on this - any update? Really would be very helpful for us.
Any word on this?
Any thoughts / updates on the status alert threshold modifications / customizations?
Can we please have Windows Server backup in the reports section?
We would like to see last successful backup, next backup scheduled, number of backups etc., for all machines / groups.
Any possibility of adding LogMeIn integration? Connectwise and Continuum are two that have LMI integration.
I am trying to make a default list of all critical event logs that we should monitor and looking for suggestions
I have started with
Event ID: 1121
Monitors SP failed backup
Agreed MPM needs to provide some default suggestions or prepackaged event ID monitoring suggestions.
Most RMM provide some form of generic or generalized event ID monitoring packages / suggestions. I think it would be helpful for MPM to develop some base packages to show of what can be monitored through the event log. Many people do not understand how to properly monitor the event log and MPM could highlight their pre-configured alert packages based upon Windows Server Event IDs.
You could have different alert packages for SQL, Exchange, AD, Security, Hardware, etc.
This is great news. I do have a few questions though.
I see the ability to enable ZenDesk but I believe we need more tweaking for alert status thresholds.
For example, under Notifications > Status there is no way to set alert elevation level. I have no idea if these are critical, elevated or low. For us, something like computer offline is critical and needs to be able to be delineated as such. Things like starting up and shutting down are low priority. I believe we need the ability to change these alert levels.
Same goes with Notifications > Performance > if processor usage is above 90% I want to be able to set alert level to critical but may only want to set alert level for memory to elevated.
This also goes for just about everything like locked accounts or Windows Server Backups which we would want to be critical...
I've tried many RMMs over the years and Mobile PC Monitor (MPM) has the potential to be huge.
Any future with this? Would be a great benefit. I'd pay you Paul for the development.
We would love to see Zendesk integrated with MPM, both by request support and for select notifications.
Thanks Paul!
You do realize that without actually posting the full script i can't help you at all. On that link you provided I can only see how to configure the script to send emails.
I need to know how it reads data from OMSA log in order to give you an answer on how you can get that kind of monitoring inside PC Monitor.
If you can, PM me with the full script and I will do my best to help you.
Sure thing I will PM you a copy of the script now.
Marius - how hard would it be to integrate LogMeIn? That is what we use for our remote support and it would be make things really seamless.
Gbrown481 - I see what you mean. Providing clients uptime reports based on SLA are crucial. It's pretty hard to do with MPM right now, at least to make it clean and neat.
I am new to PC Monitor, Love it.
I would also like to see a difference between icons for Servers, Workstations (PC's) and Laptops.
This would help out a lot.
Also being able to add a group to a group. Example it I have a customer as a group XYZ Company, and within that group be abel to have a server and workstation group.
Agreed this is something that is really inhibiting for us. We need the ability to segregate under each group between servers and workstations. A subgroup would be incredibly helpful.
I know, just wanted a report showing Device specs for a particular group to give to the customers.
Showing their inventory.
Agreed - this could be very helpful.
It would be incredibly helpful if MPM would provide for the option to display the machine serial number using the command found here:
Having this information display on the dashboard would be a HUGE help as service tags are used to contact manufactures for support and service as well as a better way to track inventory.
Dell is the primary server hardware manufacture we use and right now we rely upon this alert script to send us SMTP / e-mail notifications to our ticketing system.
Is there anyway for MPM to incorporate and read the OMSA log and integrate nicely?
MySQL Monitoring?
in Linux
Marius - any update on the MySQL monitoring?