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About TheITJedi

  • Birthday June 24

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    TN, USA

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  1. Any update on when we will get the ability to schedule workflows and tasks via API?
  2. We leverage several scheduled workflows to automate parts of our maintenance cycles. However we have noticed that when a workflow calls a 'Run Task' item it tries to run the task in the scope of the workflow rather than the scope assigned to the task itself. We resorted to tasks as a method of handling multiple scopes because workflows invoked from a scheduled workflow also run in the context of the calling scheduled workflow rather that its assigned scope. Please advise.
  3. @StefanMcl_Pulseway, Is there a rough idea on when we can expect the ability to read custom field values via API? (hopefully set as well)
  4. @StefanMcl_Pulseway, I have reviewed that documentation, it does not list anything for getting custom field values. Its listed in the API Token permissions here: But there is nothing in the documentation about it. The documentation shows that the endpoint for devices should be /devices, Attempting to call that endpoint results in this error: However, if I call the /systems endpoint (like for the V2 API but on V3), I get the same content I see from V2 API. What I need is the endpoint to get the custom fields for devices. Thanks,
  5. It appears the V3 API is out now. I see in the permissions when creating a token 'Get Device Custom Fields' as a permission, but there is no endpoint listed in the documentation. Additionally, attempting to use the new /api/v3/devices endpoint fails, it will however take the /api/v3/systems endpoint. This appears to return same information as v2 API does. Error returned is as follows: '/api/v3/devices' MessageDetail: No type was found that matches the controller named 'v3' My questions are: 1. is the /devices endpoint a new endpoint that's not available yet? 2. what is the endpoint to get a device's custom field? 3. is there at time line for getting the documentation updated? Thanks
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