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  1. Marius, Problem solved, the system clock was way's of the right time.
  2. I have got the same problem after a power outage of one of the servers, could you pse. tell me how to resolve this?
  3. OpenHardwareMonitor shows everythink o.k. So ther is a problem with PCMonitor.
  4. I don't know for how long, but no more then 2 weeks, I can not see the processor temperature from both of my servers any more. I don not see them on my Ipad and Iphone any more.the only thing that shows up under "hardware details" are the hdd details.
  5. The message says the account is valid, but it appeard that the service was'nt started, it is on 'automatic', As soon as I started it everything returned to normal. Thrre seems to be a problem with the service I've noticed before. For now everything seems to be working again. Thanks for your intervention.
  6. This morning I had a internet connection outage for about 1 hour. PCMonitor notified me of this on my Iphone and Ipad, so far so good. After the internet connection restored both servers stay'd off-line on the PCmonitor Dashboard, Iphone and Ipad. I restarted the PCmonitor service on both servers, without result. A reboot of both servers solved the message for just one server, that other server still shows a off-line condition, although it is connected to the internet. Both servers running Server 2008 R2 with all update's installed, also running the latest version PCmonitor.
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