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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Hi, it would be nice to check an ip (mailserver) against some public spam-blocklists (spamhaus, SORBS-SPAM, RATS-Spam and so on...) like the http://mxtoolbox.com site does. it the ip is found -> pushmail Check maybe once a day. Thanks Reiner
  2. hi, month ago i send you a screenshot of the gfi-max dashboard to manage server & workstations. it has a better overview to manage more pc's and you can change the settings on more then one pc at the same time. you said, that a new dashboard will come. so, is there any news about that? also, it would be nice to see the computer-details if the pc is offline. maybe the last seen temp , hd-space and so on and see a "offline since..." and, again, the smart-status of the hdd's are very important. also a check to test if a homepage is online. not only a ping-check. the check must find a word on the homepage to see it is online. many thanks for the great software! reiner
  3. any news about that??
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