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  1. Hello, I have reinstalled my server. When logging in I get the following error: There was no endpoint listening at https://xxxxxxxxxx/WebApp.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. What can be the reason? Windows Server 2012 R2 SQL Express 2012
  2. Hello, I have reinstalled my server. If I want to change something in the Pulseway Server Administrator, I get the following error: „The request failed with http status 404: Not Found.“ Can someone help me? Best regards Nikolaj Kinas
  3. We use GFI MailEssentials for our anti-spam system, and we're having problems with the internal queues growing to a point where the system stops working. Does anyone know of a way to monitor the size of specific queues within Windows Message Queueing and of course notify at a given level. Please, no replies about our choice of anti-spam system...!
  4. I see that configuring policies / monitoring is done through the agent. What happens if you want to change the default workstation policy, how do you apply this to everyone? How can you upload files to pulseway? For example if I want to push out an installation currently I would push it up to our current RMM, and then push down to all machines and run script accordingly. Windows updates and third party patching - Kinda confused on how this works Are there any plans to change monitoring policies from the web interface instead of the agent? That's what I have so far. I'll post more as I go along.
  5. I've installed the self hosted RMM on a server with configuration: Windows server 2012 R2 MSSQL Express 2016 Domain joined server Trial license Now I'd like to add some Active Directory users. What would be totally awesome is if I could just create and AD group, say 'RMM Admins' and have all members of that group be an admin on the RMM platform. I haven't seen this feature in the manual or in the Pulseway Enterprise Manager. Am I missing something ?
  6. we have set a monitor event and want to only get certain types of logins, to alert to failed attempts, Right now, if we set it, we get all the 4624, but we just want the 4624 with type 7, and disregard all others. We want to see the errors for 4624 but when I put in Logon Type: 7, just as it is from the event log I get nothing. I only want to see type 7 events how could I do that? I am trying to do the include only event logs for options which are not working. Your support response was: Unfortunately it is not possible to configure the Pulseway event log filter to detect the Logon Type at this time, however we will add this functionality in the future release. Can you give us feedback on when these failed log in attempts can be filtered correctly?
  7. Hi, it seems that the Notifications -> Event Log -> Event Log Filter is one of the usefullst things for me. Now I need to know, if I can use wildcards. For example: I use Altaro VM Backup for my backups. I searched with EventLogSourcesView for all possible sources on my system. In the moment I use this list: "Altaro Offsite Server, Altaro VM Backup, Altaro VM Backup Controller, Altaro VM Backup Engine, Altaro VM Backup Hyper-V Host Agent, Altaro.HyperV.WAN.RemoteService". It would be easier, if I could just say "Altaro*", but I don't know if this would work. Thanks Christian.
  8. I made a install script for Adobe Reader DC to do a Silent install. UPDATED VERSION 2 With auto detect if Invoke-WebRequest exists Improvements are welcome! Change the version if needed in the Source URL: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1502320053/AcroRdrDC1502320053_en_US.exe # Silent install Adobe Reader DC # https://get.adobe.com/nl/reader/enterprise/ # Path for the workdir $workdir = "c:\installer\" # Check if work directory exists if not create it If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container) { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red} ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } # Download the installer $source = "http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1502320053/AcroRdrDC1502320053_en_US.exe" $destination = "$workdir\adobeDC.exe" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination # Start the installation Start-Process -FilePath "$workdir\adobeDC.exe" -ArgumentList "/sPB /rs" # Wait XX Seconds for the installation to finish Start-Sleep -s 35 # Remove the installer rm -Force $workdir\adobe* For Windows 7 please change $source = "http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1502320053/AcroRdrDC1502320053_en_US.exe" $destination = "$workdir\adobeDC.exe" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination To $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile("http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/1502320053/AcroRdrDC1502320053_en_US.exe","$workdir\adobeDC.exe") Since Powershell in Windows 7 does not support the Invoke-WebRequest
  9. Hi, On the Android phone app I noticed a red exclamation balloons on all my servers. If I open the app and look at the notifications it lists each server as going offline at the same time, but back on the main page none of the servers are grayed out and I can view live settings such as CPU temperatures just fine. I did not receive any emails alerts or an alert in the top bar on the Android phone. All the servers seem to be fine as I can remotely access them. Should I ignore the messages and delete them? Any idea whats going on?
  10. I made a install script for CCleaner to do a Silent install and clean if needed. UPDATED VERSION 3 With auto detect if Invoke-WebRequest exists Improvements are welcome! When a new version of CCleaner comes out, just change the ccsetup526 to the new value. # CCleaner Download / Update Location # http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download mkdir C:\CCleanerInstall Invoke-WebRequest http://download.piriform.com/ccsetup526.exe -OutFile C:\CCleanerInstall\ccsetup526.exe Start-Process -FilePath "c:\CCleanerInstall\ccsetup526.exe" -ArgumentList "/S" Start-Sleep -s 20 rm-R -Force C:\CCleanerInstall If you want you can also add: Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" -ArgumentList "/CLEANER /AUTO" Start-Sleep -s 20 This will do a Auto Clean with CCleaner You can add this to Scripts as a PowerShell Script.
  11. I made a install script for Calibre to do a Silent install. UPDATED VERSION 2 With auto detect if Invoke-WebRequest exists Improvements are welcome! # Silent Install Calibre # https://calibre-ebook.com/download # Path for the workdir $workdir = "c:\installer\" # Check if work directory exists if not create it If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container) { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red} ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } # Download the installer $source = "https://calibre-ebook.com/dist/win32" $destination = "$workdir\calibre.msi" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination # Start the installation msiexec.exe /i "$workdir\calibre.msi" /q # Wait XX Seconds for the installation to finish Start-Sleep -s 35 # Remove the installer rm -Force $workdir\c* For Windows 7 please change $source = "https://calibre-ebook.com/dist/win32" $destination = "$workdir\calibre.msi" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination To $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile("https://calibre-ebook.com/dist/win32","$workdir\calibre.msi") Since Powershell in Windows 7 does not support the Invoke-WebRequest
  12. I made a install script for Skype to do a Silent install. UPDATED VERSION 2 With auto detect if Invoke-WebRequest exists Improvements are welcome! # Silent Install Skype # https://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-windows/ # Path for the workdir $workdir = "c:\installer\" # Check if work directory exists if not create it If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container) { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red} ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } # Download the installer $source = "http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-full" $destination = "$workdir\skype.exe" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination # Start the installation Start-Process -FilePath "$workdir\skype.exe" -ArgumentList "/VERYSILENT /SP- /NOCANCEL /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NOLAUNCH" # Wait XX Seconds for the installation to finish Start-Sleep -s 60 # Remove the installer rm -Force $workdir\skype* For Windows 7 please change $source = "http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-full" $destination = "$workdir\skype.exe" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination To $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile("http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-full","$workdir\skype.exe") Since Powershell in Windows 7 does not support the Invoke-WebRequest
  13. I made a install script for Winrar to do a Silent install. UPDATED VERSION 2 With auto detect if Invoke-WebRequest exists Improvements are welcome! When a new version of Winrar comes out, just change the winrar-x64-540.exe to the new value. # Silent Install Winrar # http://www.winrar.com # Path for the workdir $workdir = "c:\installer\" # Check if work directory exists if not create it If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container) { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red} ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } # Download the installer $source = "http://rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-540.exe" $destination = "$workdir\winrar.exe" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination # Start the installation Start-Process -FilePath "$workdir\winrar.exe" -ArgumentList "/S" # Wait XX Seconds for the installation to finish Start-Sleep -s 35 # Remove the installer rm -Force $workdir\w* For Windows 7 please change $source = "http://rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-540.exe" $destination = "$workdir\winrar.exe" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination To $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile("http://rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-540.exe","$workdir\winrar.exe") Since Powershell in Windows 7 does not support the Invoke-WebRequest
  14. I notice that the Android app displays Windows backup success or failure but i wondered if Pulseway can push or email the backup success or failure notifications. Thanks
  15. I was attempting to create a task on Pulseway, and got an error after attempting to save / publish the task. I am using the current version of Google Chrome. Something went wrong. The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter https://webapp.pulseway.com:parameters. The InnerException message was 'Error in line 1 position 1046. 'Element' 'ScopeName' from namespace 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/MM.Monitor.Types' is not expected. Expecting element 'IsScheduled'.'. Please see InnerException for more details.
  16. Is it possible to set notifications remotely after pulseway has been installed? I have been looking over the manual and forums and have not found anything.
  17. Hello, I have not been able to complete the execution of this batch file. I have verified that it is indeed correct in syntax, as it runs locally just fine. TASKKILL /f /im iexplore.exe CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer" timeout /t 5 start iexplore.exe In essence the code is meant to close Internet Explorer, and restart it upon the 5 second timeout period. But, it seems like it only executes the first part of the code successfully. Internet Explorer closes, but nothing else happens. (no errors in pulseway log). Feel free to run the code as it isn't malicious. Am I missing something to make work? Thanks and I hope to get a response soon. I would greatly appreciate the continued support.
  18. Hi, I'm looking for a script to log of all users logged on to the computer. I've found some scripts online, but these seem not to work when send by pulseway. Does anyone have a solution. Kind regards, Alwin
  19. I had a conversation yesterday with Vick at Pulseway and discussed my solution to the problem of the Pulseway service not starting reliably 100 percent of the time. I always set the service to run delayed in Windows. I have had to do this with ScreenConnect as well. If I do not, every once in a while, on reboot, I will find the service not running. This is a real problem if I only had the remote built into Pulseway as my remote control, but I run ScreenConnect. What I find, is that Pulseway may not be working but ScreenConnect is running, or it works the other way. I would like to see an option on install of the agent, in the form of a radio button that I can check, to have the service installed and run delayed as opposed to a normal service start.
  20. Hello, I am having problems running all scripts. I created a test script, ran it a few times, and modified it, now all of my scripts come back as "skipped". Any idea on what is causing this? Thanks for helping. Hope to get an answer soon.
  21. Hey we are chasing an problem in our SQL setup and in that quest we come across some heavy requests called often by the pulseway client the querylooks llike this This comes in at 1 place and 3 and 4 place in top most CPU consumin queries We are running an "large" SQL db (600GB) with 850 users online... so a lot queries are running alle the time... Any ideas ? Use [master]; SELECT TOP 100 L.request_session_id AS SPID, DB_NAME(L.resource_database_id) AS DatabaseName, O.Name AS LockedObjectName, P.object_id AS LockedObjectId, L.resource_type AS LockedResource, L.request_mode AS LockType, ST.text AS SqlStatementText, ES.login_name AS LoginName, ES.host_name AS HostName, TST.is_user_transaction as IsUserTransaction, AT.name as TransactionName, CN.auth_scheme as AuthenticationMethod FROM sys.dm_tran_locks L JOIN sys.partitions P ON P.hobt_id = L.resource_associated_entity_id JOIN sys.objects O ON O.object_id = P.object_id JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ES ON ES.session_id = L.request_session_id JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions TST ON ES.session_id = TST.session_id JOIN sys.dm_tran_active_transactions AT ON TST.transaction_id = AT.transaction_id JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections CN ON CN.session_id = ES.session_id CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(CN.most_recent_sql_handle) AS ST WHERE resource_database_id = db_id() ORDER BY L.request_session_id;
  22. Hello, i would like to know, when the feature of monitoring the HP ILO interfaces via SNMP is availible. I read in your forums that it is coming. Thank you for your answer. Best Regards Florian Lauer
  23. Hi everyone, I encountered an issue which some of you may have encountered and no-doubt some will encounter in the future whereby you will need to install Pulseway on multiple workstations, laptops etc. and multiple servers. You may also not necessarily want to have the same Pulseway Group Policy enabled for every single device on the network. So, how do we go about doing this? Essentially, it’s the same as the Pulseway Windows GPO installation but with some small changes. Prep the Shared Folder Firstly, we need to make a share that all users can access, and make sure you’ve put the Pulseway_XX.msi in this folder. Make the Config File(s) Next, load up Pulseway Manager and make any changes you want to the config, this will then need to be saved in the same folder as the .msi If you wish to make different config files for Servers, Workstations, Laptops, Tablets etc., please do so now and save them to the same folder. Create the Security Groups For each type of machine you wish to have managed/monitored by Pulseway please create a new Security Group within ADUC (Active Directory Users and Computers) and then add the devices you want to the appropriate group(s). Make the MST File(s) Thanks to forum user robbinschut for this snippet which I’ve modified for this purpose. Follow these steps to create a successful MST file: Open the Pulseway MSI file in Orca Click in the menu "Transform" -> "New transform" Go to the Property table In the right pane right click -> Add row Fill in the property names CONFIG (UNC Path to config file) and CONFIGPASSWORD and the value(s) NOTE: Fill in the property name in UPPER CASE! At this point you can make any other adjustments you would like to the msi on installation. After you added all the arguments you want, click in the menu "Transform" -> "Generate transform..." Save the MST file to the same folder with Pulseway_XX.msi If you have multiple config files for different machines, please create a new Transform for each config file, making sure to make the changes as needed. Set the GPOs You will need to create one of these for each type Transform File you have created. 1. Create a new Software Installation Package in User Configuration > Policies > Software Settings node of Group Policy Management Editor. 2. Select the Pulseway MSI file, and then click Advanced. 3. On ‘Deployment’ tab, Select “Assigned” Deployment type and make sure “Install this application at logon” is also selected and finally select Basic under “Installation User Interface Options”. 4. On the Modifications tab, click Add and select the MST file you created. (This is the ONLY opportunity you will have to apply a Transform to this Package.) 5. Click OK Update client machines Run Command Prompt as Admin and type: gpupdate /force /sync /boot The system will restart and when you next log in Pulseway will install with the correct Config File for your device! I hope this helps those in a bit of a bind when it comes to sending out the Pulseway software across networks without having to worry about setting up multiple groups for the same customer, manually setting up each instance of Pulseway or manually updating the config on each machine.
  24. Hi, can it be posible, that if a notification is sent that you can also fire a custom SQL insert on a local or remote sql server ? and also use some vars from that notification.. Kind regards
  25. I've got Pulseway installed on a number of servers and it notify's nicely if a backup is successful or fails, but I've a couple of instances when a backup hasn't even tried to run so has neither failed or succeeded. I've noticed a number of posts requesting a feature for Pulseway to generate an alert when no backup activity has been detected in X number of days. Has this been looked at? Is this possible? Can this be developed please? Thank you
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